Has your door been stuck? Or perhaps an improperly closing door? The functionality of your home depends on the doors. They give us access to and from the house, offer us seclusion when we need it, and keep out obtrusive noise, chilly draughts, and pests. Door repairs can be challenging. You risk having air or water penetration if the repair is not done correctly.

Floor repairing

Tiles are a valuable addition to any home, but they can be damaged over time or by unforseen events. A handyman may be able to replace broken pieces of ceramic tile in need-to-repair jobs without hiring an expensive contractor who specialises only in these types of projects! I can alleviate your concerns because I perform individual repairs and replacements of the following tile types:

  • Ceramic
  • Porcelain
  • Marble
  • Vinyl
  • Repair or Replace Door Threshold